Calgary Social Media Marketing

Road Builder Social Media Marketing

  • Facebook Road Builder

    Calgary social media marketing for construction

    Highlight client testimonials: Feature positive feedback from satisfied clients who have utilized the company's road building services. Share quotes, images, or videos of clients expressing their satisfaction with the company's work.

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  • LinkedIn Road Builder

    social media marketing calgary engineering

    Share industry news and updates: Keep followers informed about the latest advancements in road construction and infrastructure development. Share relevant news articles, statistics, or insights that demonstrate the company's knowledge and involvement in the industry.

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  • Instagram Road Builder

    social media for road builders

    Employee spotlights: Introduce the team members responsible for road construction and maintenance. Share their stories, expertise, and accomplishments to humanize the company and showcase the skills and experience of its staff.

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  • Build Stakeholder Relationships

    Alberta construction company social media marketing

    Safety tips: Share safety guidelines and best practices related to road construction and maintenance. For instance, provide tips for drivers to navigate through construction zones safely or offer suggestions on how pedestrians can stay safe near ongoing road work.

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  • Billing Month-to-Month

    Calgary road building company social media marketing

    Showcase completed road projects: Share photos and videos of recently completed road projects to demonstrate the company's expertise and the quality of their work. For example, post before and after pictures of a road that was repaired or widened, highlighting the improvements made.

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  • Doing Social Since '08

    construction social media marketing Alberta

    Educational content: Create posts that educate followers about different aspects of road construction. For example, explain the importance of proper drainage systems in road building or share tips for maintaining roads during extreme weather conditions.

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4 More Social Media Ideas for a Road and Highway Construction Company

  1. Community involvement: Highlight the company's involvement in local community events or initiatives. Share photos and updates from volunteer efforts or sponsorships that demonstrate the company's commitment to giving back.
  2. Behind-the-scenes content: Offer a glimpse into the day-to-day operations of the road building company. Share photos or videos showing the process of road construction, the equipment used, or the various stages involved in a project.
  3. Before and after comparisons: Share visual comparisons that highlight the transformation of roads before and after the company's intervention. This can help potential clients visualize the impact of the company's work and the value they bring.
  4. Industry trends and insights: Share insights about emerging technologies, sustainable road construction methods, or innovative practices in the industry. This positions the company as forward-thinking and up-to-date with the latest trends, attracting clients who value innovation in road building.

LinkedIn versus Facebook for Heavy Civil Construction

A heavy civil construction company would utilize LinkedIn and Facebook in different ways due to their distinct features and functionalities.

LinkedIn is a professional networking platform that is more suitable for industry engagement and connecting with industry professionals. Here are some specific strategies and features that make LinkedIn valuable for a heavy civil construction company:

  1. Professional Networking: LinkedIn allows the company to connect with industry professionals, including potential clients, partners, suppliers, and employees. The company can join relevant industry groups, participate in discussions, and establish valuable connections.
  2. Showcasing Expertise: LinkedIn provides opportunities to share industry insights, thought leadership content, and case studies. Publishing articles, participating in industry-related discussions, and showcasing project portfolios can enhance the company's reputation as an industry expert.
  3. Lead Generation: LinkedIn offers advanced search filters and targeted advertising options to help the company reach its desired audience. The company can run targeted campaigns, promote services, and generate high-quality leads.
  4. Recruitment: LinkedIn's job posting and recruitment features allow the company to attract top talent in the industry. The company can create a strong employer brand by sharing employee success stories, company culture, and career opportunities.

On the other hand, Facebook offers distinctive advantages for marketing and brand awareness efforts:

  1. Wide Reach and Brand Exposure: Facebook has a large user base, making it an effective platform for reaching a broader audience. The company can create a Facebook business page, share updates, photos, videos, and engage with followers to increase brand awareness.
  2. Visual Content: Facebook's visual-centric nature allows the company to showcase project images, videos, and construction progress updates, making it more engaging and appealing to the audience.
  3. Local Targeting: Facebook's advertising capabilities, such as location-based targeting, allow the company to reach a specific geographic area where it operates. This is particularly useful for targeting local clients and generating leads.
  4. Community Engagement: Facebook enables the company to foster a sense of community by encouraging user-generated content, responding to comments and messages promptly, and running interactive campaigns such as polls or contests.

Generally speaking, LinkedIn is more suitable for professional networking, industry engagement, and lead generation, while Facebook excels in brand awareness, visual content, and community engagement. A heavy civil construction company can leverage both platforms to maximize its online presence and achieve different marketing objectives.